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The Finest Time to Visit Uganda

The Finest Time to Visit Uganda


Uganda is known as one of the best places to go for a safari due to the fact that it houses a huge number of undiscovered secrets so a safari to Uganda is a regarded as a memorable experience. The Finest Time to Visit Uganda

Uganda can be visited at any time of the year depending on the traveler’s things to do and see. The best time to visit Uganda to many traveler who are interested in chimpanzees or gorilla trekking is during the dry season.


During the dry season, the country experiences less rain, the weather becomes less cloudy and the mountain routes that take to meet the primates become dry and easy to hike on and also thirsty blow most of the animals to the drinking making sighting and photography very clear.

The usual average temperature of the country is 21.5°C which sometimes at night drops to 12°C.  Wet seasons of April and May as well September are not best for gorilla and chimpanzee as the treks are wet and sometimes muddy making the forest impassable.

Are you trying to think about what other special activities to explore on your Gorilla trip? Below are some of the highlighted activities to explore: The Finest Time to Visit Uganda

Game viewing activities

Although Uganda is famous worldwide for being a home to mountain gorillas and primates as a premium attraction, however, the national parks of the country is occupied with plentiful wildlife. Below are 5 iconic national parks that offer excellent game-viewing for the travelers visit at least one or two on your gorilla and wildlife safari to Uganda;

Queen Elizabeth National Park:

The Park is famously known for housing the unique tree-climbing lions, these lions are found in the Ishasha sector of the park an extension of Queen Elizabeth national park.  Queen Elizabeth national park offers a great opportunity to explore plenty of various animals including the elephants, buffaloes, Uganda Kobs, antelope species, the rare giant Hogs, leopards just to mention but a few.

Kidepo Valley National Park:

this is one of the famous highly rated visited by most travelers coming to Uganda. The park houses more than 75 mammal’s species of animals including the buffaloes, elephants, leopard, lion, Rothschild giraffe, eland, and more and many species of birds. the park is located in the northern part of Uganda covering a long drive of about 12 hours from the capital city kampala

Murchison Falls National Park:

This Uganda’s largest park is famous for housing plenty of games that you can spot inside the national park including Rothschild’s giraffe, Uganda kob, Cape buffalo, warthogs, waterbucks, elephants, hartebeest, lion, leopard and spotted hyena, plus many species of birds including the rare shoebill etc.

Lake Mburo National Park:

The park is known as the nearest park to the capital city Kampala, it’s a home to many species of animals, and some can’t be seen elsewhere in other Uganda parks. To mention some of the animals that live in the park include buffaloes, zebras, leopard, Burch ell’s zebra, eland, leopard, hyena and more.

Mountain Gorilla Trekking:

Sharing 98% of DNA with Humans Mountain gorillas are the prime attractions of Uganda Safaris, more than 1 million visitors are coming to the country only to meet these iconic animals and enjoying their human-like activity.

The country hosts half of the mountain gorillas of the world in its misty mountain forest. The vegetation and climate of the country make it a great place for these iconic animals to live.

While planning your Uganda Gorilla Trekking make sure you book your gorilla tracking permit at least 4-6 months prior.

While planning for a gorilla trek you need to take care of your clothes properly, here are few tips of what clothes you should pack for your gorilla trip:

  • Pack greens, khakis, and generally dark colors cloths
  • Bring a long-sleeve shirt, bring a good safari shirt.
  • Bringing a rain jacket would be considerable
  • Long hiking socks
  • A good pair of safari boots
  • Walking Stick
  • Binocular
  • Gardening gloves
  • Insect repellent
  • Bring a good carry-on sized backpack
  • Don’t forget your camera

Bird Watching:

Uganda is not only a land of spectacular views, landscapes, and primates but also the country hosts more than 1,050 bird species. The range of forests, swamps and agricultural lands, to lakes and savannahs has become the homeland for these striking birds.

Crossed by the equator and the Albertine Rift valley the pearl of Africa is a great place for the bird lovers. Take some time out to watch the spectacle of these beauties in the national park of the country, these spectacular birds viewing when combined with animals makes the trip a memorable one. Here are the few national parks where you can spot these iconic birds;

Queen Elizabeth National park; it hosts more than 550 species of bird including White-faced Whistling, Spur-winged Plovers, Squacco Heron, Fish Eagle, Pink, and white-backed Pelicans, Long-tailed Cormorants, and more.

Mabamba Bay Wetland at Lake Victoria;

You can spot the shoebill, swamp flycatcher, papyrus gonolek, malachite kingfisher, pied kingfisher, black-headed heron, black kite, African open-billed stork, African jacana, lesser jacana, winding cisticola, and many more.

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park;

Hosting more than 350 bird species including 23 Albertine Rift endemics showcases African green broadbill, Chapin’s flycatcher, Shelley’s Crimsonwing, handsome francolin, mountain-masked, and more.

Murchison Falls National Park; home to 450 bird species you can watch some elusive shoebill, swamp flycatcher, goliath heron, Abyssinian ground hornbill, northern red bishop, red-throated bee-eater, African quail finch, pied, malachite and giant kingfishers.

Semuliki National Park; hosting 441 species in its area you can spot some Nkulengu rail, piping hornbill, blue-billed malimbe, yellow-throated cuckoo, dwarf honey guide, and white-crested hornbill inside the park.

Chimpanzee Trekking:

The giant mountain gorillas sometimes dominate chimpanzees residing in Uganda, however, Chimpanzee Safari Uganda is another major attraction of the country. Chimpanzees are also one of the closest relatives to human beings as they share almost 98% of human DNA.

Most of their activities are just like humans. For instance, they tend to hug, kiss, show angry expressions, and more just like humans. Here are a few tips if you are planning for a Chimpanzee Tracking in Uganda.

Both the dry and wet season are good. However, in the dry season chimps tracking is easier. On the other hand, the rainy season enables discounted prices along with lower visitors.

Book your Chimpanzee tracking permits 4-6 months prior.

Don’t go near chimps if you have any contagious diseases as chimps can catch it easily.

You should carry rainproof gears and hiking boots as the weather is unpredictable.

Use insect repellent.

Boat Safaris:

Uganda offers boat cruises as an exciting activity to its visitors. Besides Chimpanzee Tracking trip, or gorilla safaris, or bird watching, is a  perfect option.

Being a land to magnificent falls and Rivers the country offers better views of wildlife, reptiles, and birds through a boat safari. Here are a few places where you can enjoy the beauty of this country by getting into the water;

Boat Safari on Kazinga Channel

Murchison Falls National Park boat safaris

Lake Victoria Boat Safaris

A boat safari on Lake Mburo

Book with us

Uganda is a land of magic and beauty! While planning your Uganda Safari Tours, ensure to choose a good trekking operator. They will let you discover the best of this country. We, at Mum and Dad Tours believe that our travelers should experience the best of this country. Indeed, this will attract them to come back to this country.

Book your Uganda Gorilla Safaris, or Uganda Chimpanzee tracking safari with us today. We shall avail the best service that the country has to offer. For more details and what to do on a Uganda safari please contact us. We are always at your disposal to enjoy The Finest Time to Visit Uganda.